neighbour poured to my tree something salty what is that

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You don't often think about the spider web of roots underneath the tree in your yard until they start wreaking havoc. A cracked foundation or disrepair up driveway is no fun, and no thing how much yous dear a tree, sometimes the roots have got to go. The good news is that you have multiple options for killing tree roots (or fifty-fifty the entire tree depending on how serious it is) yourself.

Please notation: The WHO considers glyphosate to be a likely human being carcinogen. Its apply is prohibited in some states and countries. Please check with your local laws and utilise caution if treatment this chemical.

  1. 1

    Cutting small-scale trouble roots. Although labor-intensive, this directly addresses the outcome with no risk to nearby plants. Dig out the soil around and under the root first, and so cutting with a root saw or loppers.[1] Cut roots aggressively can put the tree in a long decline, potentially killing it over many years.[2] Follow these rules of thumb to forbid this:

    • Multiply the diameter of the tree past 8. That'due south the minimum altitude from the trunk you can cutting with low risk of serious harm.[3]
    • Cut roots on one side of the tree only, especially if you're risking a cutting closer than the minimum altitude.
  2. 2

    Dig a trench to block roots . Cutting roots once is but a temporary solution. To maintain the surface area, yous may need to dig a trench and cut away the roots annually — or up to twice a year for aggressive root systems.[four] You can save yourself from this job if y'all dig one deep trench (ideally through the entire topsoil), then install one of these barriers earlier backfilling:

    • Galvanized metal covering. Fold the superlative over to avoid a dangerous sharp edge.[5]
    • A double layer of HDPE plastic,

      Overlap sections of barrier by at least 12" (30 cm) so roots can't sideslip through.

      sometimes bachelor free from feed stores[6]
    • For best results, buy a commercial root barrier treated with herbicide. Trifluralin is a common option unlikely to harm nearby plants.[7]


  3. iii

    Impale suckers with herbicide. Some trees answer to cut roots or other impairment by sending upward new suckers from the root system. To kill these selectively, sever the root so the herbicide does non travel to the main tree. Apply an herbicide that contains glyphosate or triclopyr amine carefully to the sucker so it does not spray to nearby plants.[viii] Many suckering plants grow aggressively. If you lot are not willing to kill the main tree, you volition need to repeat this treatment or periodically dig upwardly the suckers by hand.

    • If yous've cut downwardly the principal tree but suckers are still appearing in your chiliad, your just option may be to apply a broadleaf herbicide. This will kill all vegetation in the surface area. Repeat each fourth dimension suckers appear until the roots run out of nutrients.[9]
  4. 4

    Supersede damaged pavement with crushed stone or mulch. It may non be possible to kill large surface roots without killing the whole tree. If that's not an choice, yous can install a surface the tree cannot interruption through. Since this does not kill the roots, information technology volition not protect garden areas or sewage pipes.

    • Advisedly remove any damaged physical with minimal damage to roots.
    • Cover the area with geotextile fabric. Get out 6" (15 cm) of articulate ground around the trunk, or 12" (xxx cm) for large trees.[10]
    • Cover with 3–four" (seven.5–10 cm) of crusher run (a type of crushed stone aggregate) or 6–8" (xv–xx cm) of coarse mulch. Mulch is less effective, and may launder abroad in rain.
    • Edge the material with stones to minimize shifting.


  1. 1

    Pour copper sulfate or rock table salt downward your toilet. This is the easiest treatment, only information technology risks killing the whole tree or surrounding plants. Flush either production down your toilet bowl (never into a sink or shower) in ½ lb (¼ kg) increments or less, until y'all've added 2 lb (0.ix kg). Avoid running water into the pipe for 8–12 hours so the salt has time to kill the roots.[eleven] Follow all safety information on the label.

    Both chemicals tin cause major damage to aquatic life. Their use may be regulated by your state or country, especially near water treatment plants.[12]

  2. 2

    Treat your pipes with a foaming herbicide. Foaming herbicides expand to fill the pipe and accept some time to break down, making them the best selection for sewage line root removal. Contact herbicides impale the roots quickly, while systemic herbicides tin take a couple weeks but may kill the whole tree. Different foam consistencies are appropriate for different sizes of pipage, so read the characterization earlier buying.

    • Some herbicides are toxic to fish or other wildlife. The characterization should describe the environmental bear upon, and may include information on how to minimize information technology.
    • For all-time results, hire a professional plumber to utilize metam-sodium. This is a corrosive chemical that requires training and rubber equipment to use.
  3. 3

    Accept a professional clear clogged pipes mechanically. If roots have clogged a pipe completely, they will block the catamenia of chemic treatments. Hire a plumber instead to articulate the piping with a Roto Rooter or similar mechanical tool. This also has the advantage of avoiding environmental impacts from herbicide.

  4. iv

    Repair the pipe. Unless you're willing to repeat this treatment regularly, the cleared piping will need structural repairs to forbid root regrowth. Installing a lining within your pipe requires less digging and disruption, only a complete pipe replacement is often cheaper.

    • You may as well need to remove or relocate any large trees near the pipage, or the roots will keep growing into the sewer pipage.


  1. 1

    Research your tree first. Some tree species can produce root suckers, growing whole new trunks some altitude from the stump. Removing the torso will non kill the roots, and can fifty-fifty trigger new growth. Avoid this method with these species (not a comprehensive list):

    • Elms, cherries, plums, and lilac trees tin regenerate from roots after the trunk is damaged.[13] Use herbicides instead.
    • Aspens, poplars, sumac, and blackness locust form "clonal colonies" of many trunks during normal growth.[fourteen] Their roots are very difficult to control even with herbicides.[xv] A local agricultural extension can recommend an effective herbicide treatment for your species.
  2. 2

    Cut the tree to a stump. If the tree still needs to be cut down, cut information technology and then about 3–four feet (0.nine–1.2 yard) of the trunk is however left above ground. This ensures that you have plenty forest to grab onto to pull the body out of the ground.

    Alert: Felling a tree is very dangerous. If you practise not have feel and the proper tools, the tree may fall in an unexpected direction.[16] Hire a professional person if y'all accept not done this earlier.

  3. 3

    Excavate the stump. Dig effectually the stump using a shovel, mattock, digging bar, or backhoe. Cut through the largest roots with an axe or saw as you reveal them. Clear a radius of about iv anxiety (1.2 m) around the tree, or as much as yous need to detach the main roots.

    • Earlier taking a chainsaw to a root, place a lath underneath information technology. This protects the chainsaw from clay and rocks.
    • In one case y'all've made some progress on the pigsty, spray the surface area with a hose or pressure level washer to reveal more roots.[17]
  4. four

    Adhere the stump to a winch. Most stumps are much besides secure to remove manually, peculiarly when freshly cut. Secure the stump to a manus winch anchored to a strong tree instead, or chain to a truck.

  5. v

    Winch slowly. Fifty-fifty a manus winch tin can send a stump flying with lethal force when it bursts out of the basis. Pull in short, slow bursts to avoid this risk. If you are in a truck, alternate forward and reverse movement. Ideally, the stump should pull loose from the ground gradually, and fall gently on its side.

  6. six

    Grind a stump down if necessary. Some large stumps may non budge fifty-fifty with a winch. For these, you'll need to hire a stump grinder (or hire a professional). These are unsafe machines, so wear protective glasses and ask the rental bureau to train you. Here'due south the bones process:[18]

    • Articulate away any rocks nearly the stump that could impairment the grinding wheel.
    • Position the wheel a few inches above the stump'due south front end edge.
    • Showtime spinning the wheel, then lower it slowly nearly 3 inches (7.five cm) into the stump.
    • Slowly move the wheel from side to side to cutting away woods to a 4 inch (10 cm) depth. Repeat with the next section of stump until it is level.
    • Repeat the procedure until the whole stump is footing at least 8–10 inches (20–25 cm) below the ground, or deeper if you desire to plant a new tree.[nineteen]
  7. vii

    Fill hole. Pull out whatever remaining tree roots and fill up in the pigsty where the tree was with soil. Plant grass seed on the top, water it, and yous're set to have a tree-free surface area that blends in with the residuum of your yard.[20] The tree'due south roots should cease growing and eventually decompose.


  1. one

    Know the risks. Roots of the same species often grow together when they bear on. This means that an herbicide practical to one beech tree might spread through the roots and end up killing more beech trees in the same area.[21] This is especially likely with species that tin can class "clonal colonies," including aspens and black locust.

  2. two

    Select an herbicide. Herbicides that comprise glyphosate or triclopyr amine are effective at killing copse and available at garden stores.[22] Your species may respond to one of these more than the other. For example, glyphosate may do a better task controlling Russian olive, while triclopyr is the better choice for locust, maple, oak, and willow.[23]

    • Triclopyr amine should piece of work at concentrations of viii.8%.[24] For glyphosate, endeavor to find a concentration of about twoscore%, then dilute with an equal amount of water. If that isn't available, apply undiluted product with at to the lowest degree xx% concentration.[25]
    • Herbicides containing ii,4-D, dicamba, or picloram are risky, as they may spread to nearby vegetation and kill it also. This shouldn't happen with careful application of glyphosate or triclopyr.[26]
  3. 3

    Clothing safety equipment. Follow the herbicide label instructions to prevent dangerous exposure to the chemicals. At minimum, wear long sleeves and pants, closed-toe shoes, latex or nitrile gloves, and prophylactic goggles.[27] Choose wearing apparel you don't mind ruining.

    • Y'all do not need to wear a mask, since you will not be spraying herbicide into the air.
  4. 4

    Apply herbicide to a stump. This treatment should prevent all or almost of the roots from spreading and growing new suckers after a tree is cutting downwards. It does require a fresh cut surface, only as long as the tree was cut less than a few weeks ago, you can create a new one:[28] [29]

    • Cut the stump close to the ground. Continue information technology every bit level every bit possible, so herbicide doesn't run off into the basis. Clear away sawdust.
    • Using an onetime paintbrush, utilize herbicide just inside the bark ring. This is where the living tissue is that will carry the herbicide to the roots.
    • Dispose of the paintbrush and empty herbicide containers at a hazardous waste heart.[30]


  1. i

    Kill a tree with herbicide. This is an easy alternative to chopping down the tree, although information technology may not be safe if the dying tree could drop branches on a path or road. Besides, this may non piece of work in springtime on trees that produce a lot of sap, since that tends to push out the herbicide. If neither of these are issues, use herbicide with the "hack and squirt" arrangement:[31]

    • Chop downward into the trunk at a 45º angle to brand a wedge.
    • Insert a spray canteen with a narrow nozzle directly into the wedge. Squeeze in a piddling herbicide, trying not to become whatsoever exterior of the cut.
    • Consult your herbicide characterization to find out how many cuts to make, and how much herbicide to place in each cut (usually 1 mL or less).
    • Some extra-aggressive trees crave girdling instead, with herbicide applied to the freshly exposed wood.[32]
  2. 2

    Remove the expressionless wood. Later on a few days or weeks, branches of the tree should start to deteriorate and fall apart. As chunks of dead wood autumn off the tree, remove and dispose of them.

    • Some trees or root systems may require multiple coats of herbicide to fully penetrate the woods. If the tree survives, check your herbicide label for multiple application instructions. Expose a fresh layer of woods with each application.
  3. 3

    Remove the stump. After the tree is dead, dig up the stump using a shovel or backhoe. Keep in mind that it could have years for the tree to decompose on its ain, so you practice non desire to wait. Make sure to remove the stump completely to prevent the roots from growing.


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  • Question

    How exercise I kill baby oak trees and not harm the soil?

    Andrew Carberry, MPH

    Andrew Carberry has been working in nutrient systems since 2008. He has a Masters in Public Wellness Diet and Public Health Planning and Administration from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville.

    Andrew Carberry, MPH

    Food Systems Expert

    Adept Answer

    For young trees, you tin cutting them down and dig out the root system. If the roots are too adult to dig out, you lot can cut downwardly any new growth until it stops coming up.

  • Question

    How exercise I kill a blackness walnut tree root?

    Community Answer

    Any of the standard methods described here should piece of work. Blackness walnut roots are toxic to other plants, and tin keep to damage many other plants for months or years after the tree is killed. Digging upwards every root is nigh impossible, so consider planting tolerant species, or growing affected species in containers.

  • Question

    How practise I preclude small trees and their roots from growing into a chain link fence?

    Community Answer

    If the tree is close enough to grow against the fence, in that location is no way to proceed them apart without permanently removing 1 or the other. Killing roots that close to the tree will likely cause the whole tree to die. If the tree is encroaching from another property, that property's owner is usually legally responsible for addressing the issue.

  • Question

    How can you lot remove a tree root from a burial plot?

    Community Answer

    If you only want to kill the root, dig in an side by side location and sever the root at a position before it enters the plot. For a more permanent solution, kill the whole tree by applying herbicide to the stump or exposed trunk.

  • Question

    How do I eliminate tree roots that are buckling a brick path?

    Community Answer

    Attempt to move the bricks and as much of the stump as you can, and so use hedge clippers.

  • Question

    How to kill tree roots under houses?

    Community Answer

    Cut the roots and install a root bulwark as described above. Roots rarely cause significant impairment to foundations, but if it seems like big roots accept penetrated, hire someone to cheque for issues.

  • Question

    Will using salt to impale tree roots impale our grass?

    Community Answer

    Yep, salt will impale the grass and other vegetation in the area. Use an herbicide that doesn't "flash back" to other plants instead, such as glysophate.

  • Question

    If a tree were killed this way, would it appear to dice naturally? Also, is there some way to test the soil around the roots for chemicals after this method is used?

    Community Answer

    If you carefully drill small holes randomly around the tree at different heights, then fill up the holes with herbicide, it volition wait like a natural tree death. This method works when a homeowner association won't let you remove a tree you don't similar.

  • Question

    I have a cottonwood tree sapling growing right next to my lavender bush. I take cut the sapling down to the root merely it keeps coming back. How can I kill the sapling without harming my lavender bush?

    Community Answer

    Cut ithe tree downward in January. When spring arrives, the sap will flow up frtom the roots and the tree will dice. Some poplar roots are adequately almost the surface and they can travel a long way fast so do your all-time to remove those roots that have travelled a long distance or a new tree may spring up somewhere else. My poplar roots hither are a yellow color and very flexible so some roots may pull up in a long strip. Drill big holes in the stumpand put epson table salt crystals in the holes which will dry out out the stump and brand it easier to dig out or assistance it decompose naturally.

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  • To maintain tree health, information technology's important to continue the superlative of the tree and the tree's root organisation in rest. Cutting at tree roots near the trunk (within a few feet) volition destroy up to a quarter of the tree'due south root system. This is why killing tree roots will usually kill a tree.

  • To avoid time to come root problems, study the different types of trees that grow well in your surface area earlier planting trees. It'due south especially important to go familiar with their root systems. Some types of trees, like ficus and maple, are known to crusade root issues and may not be a good choice for planting near a home or along sidewalks.

  • There are several ways to kill a tree or stump that are too boring or too ineffective for root control:

    • Girdling, or removing a deep band of bark from a trunk, cuts off the flow of nutrients from leaves to roots.[33] Unless combined with herbicide, this tin can take years to kill a large tree.[34]
    • Burying the roots around the trunk with mulch leaves it vulnerable and stressed, but may take years to kill the tree.[35]
    • Burning a stump or burying it in compost or fertilizer are tiresome methods of removal.[36] For case, burning a stump takes longer than some other methods considering yous have to wait for the stump to dry out out.


  • Some gardeners recommend pouring salt into the basis to kill tree roots, merely this will kill all vegetation in the area, and may contaminate groundwater.

  • Herbicides can crusade damage to your skin and lungs, especially in full-bodied form. Follow label kickoff aid instructions if y'all spill it on yourself.

  • Removing large roots can cause a live tree to blow over in potent wind.

  • Rain inside six hours of applying herbicide may wash it away.[37]


Nearly This Commodity

Article Summary X

To kill tree roots, dig out the soil around the roots and use a root saw or loppers to cut the roots out. If you want to kill the entire tree, you lot can make a cut in the trunk and then spray herbicide inside of it. If the tree has already been chopped downward, castor the herbicide onto the acme of the stump using an onetime paintbrush. Then, when the stump and roots dice, y'all can pull them out of the ground and fill in the hole. If you want to learn more, like how to impale tree roots that got within a sewer piping, keep reading the article!

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